Jubilee - Growing Up

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

gelleetin · 20

When you grow up, you leave behind those heady days where you are flying by the seat of your pants (or shorts, cause fashion). You build in contingencies and redundancies, all the BORING stuff that no one writes about in their essay on "When I Grow Up"...

This is a pretty bog standard Jubilee deck, with a lot of the usual suspects to help Jubs do her thing.

Although some decks leave out the doubles, Jubilee's kit is pretty expensive so they help set up all of her none identity specific cards. There are 15 2-cost cards in the deck, and the doubles should pay for them nicely.

Surveillance Team is there to thwart down Shopping Spree, and once you have your outfit (glasses/coat) it's always fashionable to accessorize with a Sonic Rifle.

Speaking of which, there is a LOT of confuse options in this deck, so... Float Like A Butterfly, duh.

Mutant Education is another great card for Jubilee. Multiple Shopping Spree's, Grande Finales, Blinding Flashes... you get the idea.

Since you have X-Mansion already, Weapon X help dig for your hero cards which are great value. Cue obligatory White Fox/Digging Deep.

Hope you folks like the deck, all questions, comments and suggestions are welcome :)