Bishop protection (ultra resource deck)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
The God-King of Cost-Efficiency (The Correct Way to Bishop) 33 25 9 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Unrat · 30

this deck uses resources for the @bishops gewehr (gun). for that, let yourself be attacked every round. with the uniform, you can recover the damage. the two upgrades @Volle Aufladung charges with the available resources at the end of your turn. try to hold starhawk in the game/ bring him back if possible. white fox comes automaticly, when discard her- and with this play, you discard very much cards (take as much dmg as you can- the uniform recovers it)

it is very usefull to play with an other hero in justice or lead with justice focus. bishop thrawts also, but usually, this deck makes dmg.