Warlock Mystic Toolbox Con of Heroes 2024

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Pedroq · 217

Basic Tool Box Warlock Deck. Warlock's identity kit is strong. His upgrades give plenty of resources, and his events have great value. Aspect cards are primarily fodder for Battle Mage ability and discard targets for [Cosmic Awareness](/card/21039) and [Karmic Blast](/card/21038) kicker effects. The aspect cards do have greater utility and are meant to address various situations. The aspect cards are mostly 0-1 cost so they can provide greater tempo.

[Mystic Senses](/card/21037). Get these cards out as quickly as possible. They enable Warlock's playstyle.
[Deft Focus](/card/16024). Mystic Senses is a superpower upgrade. Deft focus makes it easier to equip mystic senses. Warlock's [Cosmic Awareness](/card/21039) and [Karmic Blast](/card/21038) are superpower cards as well.

Use [Cosmic Awareness](/card/21039) and [Karmic Blast](/card/21038) to control the game. Do not self mill. You must avoid discarding your identity upgrades and supports. Get [Mystic Senses](/card/21037), [Karmic Staff](/card/21034), [Warlock's Cape](/card/21035) equipped as soon as possible, get [Soul World](/card/21033) our before the first deck cycle.
Defend for yourself to minimize the damage from the villain. Stay in hero as long as possible. Ideally you dont flip to AE until after your first deck cycle to use [Soul World](/card/21033) to heal fully.
Late game is flexible and strong. Play the Spell cards and [Cosmic Awareness](/card/21039) and [Karmic Blast](/card/21038) to control the game. There are plenty of aspect cards in the deck that help to trigger the Battle Mage ability for greater tempo.

The spell cards are very strong but avoid using early in the game. You want to avoid milling your identity upgrades/support cards. Late game, they help to cycle through your deck. You are not afraid of milling yourself as it fuels [Soul World](/card/21033) and gets your spells back in the deck.

[Magic Attack](/card/21043) and [Zone of Silence](/card/21050). The simplest of the Spells. Play them and mill accordingly to push damage and thwart.

[Shield Spell](/card/21061). Use it to avoid major damage. Can hold onto this card in hand to avoid particularly huge damage. Or use it to avoid damage and avoid an exhaust to defend. Combo with [Toe to Toe (/card/10015) and [Bait and Switch](/card/15030).

[Summoning Spell](/card/21055). Main way to get allies out on the field. The allies are all expensive so playing them with Summoning Spell is ideal. Keep in mind which allies are left in the deck for Summoning Spell targets. [Black Panther](/card/01040a) allows for double Summoning Spell in a turn.

[Basic Spell](/card/45051). Throwing it into the deck cause it's cool. Utility spell. Can take out if it feels bad.

Allies. The allies are all utility allies. They have great 2 atk/thw stats and have wonderful effects. [Shatterstar](/card/43015) manages minions very well. Deals extra damage to minions engages with you, shuffles minions around if you need to free up multiplayer teammates. Pull away guard and patrol minions so that your teammates can affect the game, or pull away the minion to powerup Shatterstar's future attacks. [Siryn](/card/42012) and [Banshee](/card/34014) are cool pairing .They can take minions out of the equation by confuse/stun locking them. [Black Panther](/card/01040a) enables [Summoning Spell](/card/21055) loop. All allies can be healed with the Battle Mage protection ability and [Team Training](/card/04016) gives them extra utility. Allies are played more towards the late game as you will use Summoning Spell to get them out, and you want to avoid the self mill until you are setup. [Pip the Troll](/card/21032) is a wonderful early game shield.
Aspect Cards. The aspect cards are utility aspect cards. They are primarily cards that do more than the Battle Mage ability effects, but you don't necessarily want to play them, because they have a draw back or have niche uses. Most are allies or events to make sure the cards return to the deck. The aspect cards are also cheap at 0-1 cost mostly to allow for playing as many in a turn for greater tempo.

[Psylocke](/card/35013) and [Iron Fist](/card/09014) and [Jack Flag](/card/20011). Swap for [Shatterstar](/card/43015) and [Siryn](/card/42012) and [Banshee](/card/34014). Switch the 4 cost allies out for greater utility allies but "weaker" stats.
[Bombs Away](/card/42029). Swap in for [Toe to Toe](/card/10015) in minion swarming scenarios.

Can include each of the side-schemes as desired. The deck can play support in loading up on side-schemes to clear to support your teammates. Can swap out damage aspect cards if you are going to play a more support focused role.