Bishop is Resourceful (28/40) (Jugando Espero)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
La recursividad del Obispo (jugando Espero) 5 4 1 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

JugandoEspero · 32

This is a Meme deck... but it works!

You need a HARD mulligan till you find your Bishop's Uniform if it doesn't appear... just rinse and repeat!

Once you've set up the combo Bishop's Uniform + Bishop's Rifle you're unstoppable.

You can see mee beating Ronan here:

If you wanna play safer, you can add a copy of White Fox and Mandíbulas

Have a nice play!

El mazo del meme, gente. El mazo del meme!

Se necesita (sí o sí) un mulligan bien fuerte hasta que salga el Bishop's Uniform Si no sale... a repetir!

Una vez montas el combo Bishop's Uniform + Bishop's Rifle eres imparable!

Puedes verme tumbar al bueno de Ronan aquí:

Si quieres jugar menos arriesgado, mete a White Fox and Mandíbulas en el mazo

A disfrutar!