Card draw simulator
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CookieWookie13 · 34
Enjoy minigames? Enjoy snowballing your character? Enjoy partying with Marty and Doc in the Future while your friends are stuck in the past? Enjoy seeing side schemes fall like dominos? (pun intended)
This might be the deck for you!
Tested in 2-3 player games.
After trying Cable in lots of different configurations, I have decided his Justice configuration is one of the most potent and most fun for my own play style. I love fiddly decks that reward good sequencing, and this will often call upon you to really think through your turn to prioritize your decisions. It's powerful, rewarding, fun, and it's Cable! What more can you ask for? Moreover, you will absolutely feel engaged in certain scenarios with lots of side schemes such as Red Skull, 4 Horsemen, etc., so give it a try!
Tips for Newer Players: Build Support is typically the best Player Side Scheme to start the game with so that everyone can go get their Helicarriers, although in some games, you might get more mileage out of Graymalkin for your own board. It often depends on player count and side scheme amount.
Making an Entrance is important for healing and keeping Cable in the fight, so it is often correct sequencing to ensure Cable finishes off a side scheme using Making an Entrance.
Remember that Bodyslide only allows your fellow players to change their identities to the form you are in, not just flip to whatever side they want.
Team Investigation is not a "thwart," so it will not trigger Overwatch's "Hero Interrupt."
Don't forget that even though Cable can only ready once, Graymalkin can ready any number of times when you defeat side schemes. Sequence accordingly!
For the future!