In the Midnight Hour, I Want Ga-Mo-Mo-Ra!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Druzzrug · 1

This deck is fast. Play aggressively, but there are cards to thwart as well. Use them! Also, Gamora let's you deal 1 damage once per phase after playing a Thwart event, and let's you remove 1 threat from a scheme after you plan an Attack event.

Return the Favor and Swift Retribution are situational but can be used if you need to widdle down the last few HP of a villain - just make sure you can most likely handle the Treachery or Threat placed on a scheme.

The number of each card seems pretty solid, but always tweak and see if they can be adjusted.

Opening hand - try to get a Surprise Attack so you can hit for 3 or 4 damage after switching to Hero form!