Magik - Justice - Solo vs 4 Horsemen

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

itsJprof · 19

Key pieces:

Get these out as fast as possible; 1 free mana, permanent big hand-size, and always having 1 swap per Round is the Magik triple combination allowing for a lot of combinations primarily; Discounting cards as well as a wider range of combinations due to hand-size and cost.

Staples for Magik

These are just too good not to play with Magik.


Foiled! is great for getting through turns with the minimum amount of damage allowing for less defends. Lay Down the Law is great for flipping down to alter-ego to get a spell back but simultaneously heal AND remove threat.

The optional

both these could be replaced for other cards, generally I'd recommend to replace them with a fist-icon card.