Captain America- What Villain Phase?

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

revealx · 153

This deck is to be played along with the Ms.Marvel what villain phase? deck. (Link)

The aim of the decks is to negate step 2 of the villain phase as often as possible by having one hero in alter-ego and one in hero mode and the end of each hero turn, and having the villain both stunned and confused.

Ms. Marvel will be handling the confused most of the time, with this deck responsible for the stuns.

Tackle and Heroic Strike are the main cards you are wanting to play each turn. Ms Marvel's ability + Concussive Blow will handle the confusing.

Have Helicarrier + Avengers Mansion for resource and card draw, as Helicarrier + 2x Super-Soldier Serum lets you play either of your stun cards for free.

Avengers Mansion is needed as Cap doesn't have the greatest card draw.

Counter-Punch is in for the physical resource and to synergise with Get Behind Me!.


Jan 10, 2020 FreqKing · 25

neat idea!