Along Came a Spyder (S.H.I.E.L.D. Coop)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Sindrik8x · 590


I am not your standard midrange/control type player.

I am not the standard when it comes to building these styles of decks. ESPECIALLY as I'm generally considered an aggressive player.

THAT BEING SAID, I am CONFIDENT in the deck build, and I have done weeks worth of research in putting it together. I believe it's a quality list for COOP play. Unfortunately, the list has not performed incredibly well TRUE-SOLO against minion heavy decks.

Lastly, this is the version I find that works best for me in 2p - 4p Coop.***

Changes per group composition -

In 2p games:

No Changes

In 3p - 4p games:

-1 and/or 2 Stealth Strike, +1 Spycraft and/or +1 Beat Cop

Additional Note: See COMMENTS for Change Log

Deck Build Principles -

I tend to stick to HERO side more (I know that's against the grain), to maximize my triggers. I swap to Alter when I hit a Covert Ops and/or need a heal and have a cleared main scheme (or close to). Additionally, I sometimes pull the trigger when I'm looking for a big hand (second deck cycle) to draw more damage, redraw dead allies, or to recur prep cards I didn't get to grab with Safe House from discard.

The Down Time/Endurance combo works great in True Solo as she can be squishy and you are blocking a bit depending on ally count, what you have out, how much board state you accrue. You can cut Down Time in coop play and add something else if you have someone at your table healing, or can afford to go into Alter more (if there is more confuse at your table).

As I'm aggressive, I also slotted in two more Stealth Strikes. They don't scale well in multi-player, which is why you see I start to cut them there. But, I find in True Solo it helps me finish off a lot of beefier villains and enemies when my board state can't keep up with minion hell.

Agent 13, generally is going to target your Surveillance Teams, Helicarrier, Safe House #29, or Sky Destroyer.

As we know Surveillance Teams are all stars with the Monica Kit, and between those, our allies, Black Widow Thwart, Counter Intelligences, and Stealth Strikes (occasionally triggering), we have SOLID scheme control. Plus the kit cards in Covert Ops.

Note: Before I get bashed on no "Homeland Intervention" inclusion (I know it's coming), it's just not a card I personally enjoying playing, and it takes away the pet cards I do enjoy. I get the value, I know I'm wrong, I know I'm in the minority, and sure my list probably can't be taken as seriously without it. I just don't care to run it. Pretty simple. As a casual, fun first player, I prioritize fitting in cards I love playing over some metagame cards. is what it is.

Key Early Plays -

Build board state. We all know this is what S.H.I.E.L.D. does. Win second deck cycle when the deck is thinned, you're pulling back prep cards you lost, attack cards, and allies you lost.

Important and key pieces are Monica, Surveillance Teams (multiple), Sky Destroyer (to maximize damage over game), Helicarrier / Quincarrier, Safe House #29, Black Widow's Gauntlet and Grappling Hooks. those are priority imho. Counter Intelligence first round, and attacrobatics PROBABLY aren't as key, though in some scenarios that are scheme or minion heavy, you'll change this up a bit.

Closing Remarks -

This deck slowly continues to get alterations, though I have settled more in recent days and plan to stick to the list for at least a month now getting a large sampling size under my belt. At that point, I'll review and potentially toss up a 2.0 if there are enough changes to the list. I'm flirting with the idea of going to 42 cards potentially, so I can just fit in a Spycraft and a Under Surveillance. Then when I play coop 3p +, I'd just cut Under Surveillance for Beat Cop and call it a day. Just not set on it yet as I want to see how 40 runs.

I hope you enjoy the list and the games ahead. If you so wish, please take the time to swing by and check out my Gamora Aggression Deck - The Red Wedding (Gamora/Hulk), and my X-23 Protection Deck - X Gonna Give It To Ya (Updated V2.0).

Appreciate the community here, on FB, and in Discord for helping me understand Black Widow more, and get a shell together that I can be proud of. Best community around!!!


Mar 13, 2024 Sindrik8x · 590

Change Log V 2.0

After considering "value" and that S.H.I.E.L.D. in general is a "good stuff" deck, I tested today with Under Surveillance over Global Logistics.

I find it to be better in solo games due to long term value. So, I have moved it into the deck, and the later card out of the deck.

I don't anticipate any more changes, but the conversation in Discord definitely swayed me today.

In 3p - 4p, I still plan to phase it out and utilize Spycraft. Also the consideration still remains to have Beat Cop on standby. But, with Stealth Strikes, I think it's FURTHER OVERKILL.

Appreciate all the feedback folks!!!

Mar 14, 2024 Sindrik8x · 590

Change Log 3.0 -

After a few more games, "testing":

-1 Field Agent +1 Spycraft

Nothing official. Just haven't been happy with Field Agent in general and teh amount of targets it gets value with. Spycraft allows us to continuously field and recur cancel effects. Which is where S.H.I.E.L.D. thrives.

This would allow us to not have to make cuts in 2p. And also allows us to only have to make 1 cut in 3 to 4 player for the second copy, or to run Beat Cop.

If you want to test along with me, please provide relevant feedback here in comments. Thanks.

Mar 14, 2024 Greg · 385

Love it! Black Widow Justice is always one of my favorite hero/aspect pairings; you just can't go wrong with the S.H.I.E.L.D. stuff. Might have to throw this one together later.

Mar 15, 2024 Sindrik8x · 590

@Greg Yeah man. Was hoping list would work out solo, but Klaw crushed me non-stop last two days. Just way too many minions and continuously playing from behind.

Def runs waaaaaaayyyy better coop. Gonna stick to running with my buddies and be, "the control guy" as needed. She did work in our first 4 player action last weekend.

At least I have my Gamora deck and X-23 deck killing both solo and coop.

I love her. She's just not one of those meant to do it all. Or I suck ;) ! LoL!

Thanks for the encouragement dude.

Apr 15, 2024 LG_Oaka · 1

Thanks for sharing this deck! I had one of the funnest games last night playing this deck with Hawkeye Leadership against Rhino. Just got done fighting Klaw with the same set up and beat him with Hawkeye and Black Widow at full health. This deck works!