Ex's and Oh's

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
X Gonna Give It To Ya 5 4 2 1.0
Inspiration for
X Gonna Give It To Ya (Updated - V2.0) 0 0 1 1.0

Sindrik8x · 590

For those that saw my first build (my main hero) "The Red Wedding (Gamora/Hulk)", you know me as leaning into fast, aggressive, consistent gameplay. And that's what my X-23 build does. No different style there.

***Note: This deck has moved to a new "Testing" phase (version 2.0). I sincerely appreciate the awesome Discord and Facebook feedback from the community.

Changes -

-Armored Vest

-Black Widow

-1 The Power of Protection

+2 Adrenaline Rush


Please feel free to help test and provide feedback below to further solidify the list!***

Deck Build Focus -

Readying (8 cards, including her kit) / Consistent pressure.

Healing (8 cards, including her kit) / Consistent healing.

Reactive (6 cards, Counter-Punches and Energy Barriers) / Value in both phases. A well-timed 2 or 3 turn attack, into Counter Punch (3, 5, or 6), Puncture Wound can just CLOSE OUT GAMES. Double Counter Punch? Forget about it!!!

Low to the ground cost curve / To be aggressive in protection, we have to manage costs accordingly to get value: No Med Teams, no Elixir, just a couple of 3 cost allies.

Not RELIANT on Honey Badger winning games.

The Spice -

Adrenaline Rush: No, we aren't a OTK deck, however, Adrenaline Rush is TOO GOOD not to test in here with all our readies. On a two untap turn, it's "ok". But, in a turn where we can ready 3 to 4 times to end the game and you pop this, the value is just insane. It fits her perfectly. I've seen it in Quicksilver with a friend of mine, and I knew it needed to be tested here.

Iceman: I find the deck can slow down when presented with too much for X to handle. So, I am going to get the Rogue Hero Pack and test the Iceman ally over Black Widow (one of the standard meta allies). I just don't find her to really click with my deck, and I hardly ever use her ability. The stuns Iceman provides, the amount of activations you get, and his attack value all jive with the deck imho.

Ironheart: Ok, maybe not TOO SPICY, but unique enough in an X build. Note, I do not have The Galaxy's Most Wanted, or I'd be testing Starhawk instead here. That being said, I already have two recurring allies in Honey Badger and Clea, so really... I don't find Starhawk NECESSARY or worth it anyway. Ironheart can net you a combo piece, a Counter Punch, a cheap heal card, a Honey Badger piece, etc. It also gets an activation, and blocks for you. Too much value in this deck if you ask me. Worth it!

IPAC: This isn't a card you're constantly pulling the trigger on. We use it to potentially help end a phase, fix and/or reverse a board state with a big hand, find a resource, find a combo piece in emergency situations. When it comes to finishing a game, this card can be JUICY.

Playstyle -

This build isn't going to be as much "build a monster board state" as other X lists you see. It can get a solid one, and certainly can put out quite a few cards. But, it's more of a balancing act pending on where you are currently, what you have going on, etc., as to when you pull the trigger on Repurposes (with Barriers) and what turns you're getting that third ready.

Honestly, I feel like this deck is the best list for me because I can apply constant pressure with her, and still take care of adequate Thwarting almost at will between X, Professor, other allies, etc.

Consistency wins encounters in my honest opinion. I have never been a big fan of the OTK combo, dragging games out. Not saying there isn't merit. Some of our best deckbuilders here can end games on the spot at will against expert scenarios. So, not discounting it. It's just NOT MY STYLE personally.

Want to say thanks to the community for embracing my first deck and helping me establish myself here. It's the most fun I've had with a game in years, and I hope I can continue contributing for a long time to come.


Mar 06, 2024 bigfomlof · 37

This is a fantastic deck, and I really appreciate the write-up as well. I've played a lot of X-23, but never in Protection, and the games always left me a little cold, in that they were over before they began. I agree with what you're saying about play-style, too, but that could be cuz I'm not a great deck-builder, so the big hitting OTK style isn't for me simply cuz I can't do it. In any case, I'll take this to octgn today and hack at a few villains. I'll report back. Thanks again!

Mar 06, 2024 Sindrik8x · 590

Thanks man. I'm feeling this version a lot more, only because it leans into my aggressive side. I found the healing with these cards to be MORE than adequate and Armored Vest really isn't 100% necessary. You can flex it in vs. heavy hitters, but otherwise I'm ok losing it for more gas tbh. I like to race more than I like to drag stuff out. With her consistency, she can end games pretty early.

Please do report back brother. I don't get the rest of my cards until this weekend, so I can't really fully test her out with the new stuff until Monday. Appreciate you chiming in and taking her for a spin brother!!!

Mar 06, 2024 josseroo · 702

Top-tier deck name

Mar 06, 2024 Sindrik8x · 590

Thanks @josseroo, appreciate it bro. Heard the song on my way home from work the other day and it just hit me! Haha!

Mar 07, 2024 bigfomlof · 37

Hey, again. Played it just now. Went easy on myself with Expert Absorbing Man, with Beasty Boys and Whispers of Paranoia mods. 5 turns it was over. She's really, really good, and this build takes her in a direction I thought was wonderful and interesting to play. Looking forward to bringing this deck, with your permission, to our next Critical Encounters Twitch stream. Thanks!

Mar 07, 2024 Sindrik8x · 590

@bigfomlof For sure dude. Please send link as I'd very much love to watch man. And obviously I'll share around my part too with my friends, and on FB too. I've heard about Critical snooping around groups. But, don't know much about it. I'm playing the actual game during lunch today, but I'll 100% check it out during the cardio portion of my workouts this week. Youtube???

Mar 08, 2024 16 Nights Seeker · 135

Adrenaline Rush is so good. Love it in my aggression X-23 deck as well! Any issues so far with only 3 targets for Repurpose?

Mar 08, 2024 Sindrik8x · 590

@16 Nights Seekernot a one dude. In opening hand it's a mull, in hand early, it's a pitch for resource. Find I only ever need to play 1 or 2 a game anyway. Don't think I've had a single game where that's been a problem. Why I cut Electrostatic early on tbh. I may end up trying to find another physical resource or two later for What Doesn't Kill Me, but honestly with the 10 we have, 3 wild and Grim Resolve, usually not an issue either. Let me know if you try it brother. Always about feedback to improve!

Mar 08, 2024 Greg · 385

Fantastic deck! Took it up against mansion attack last night, and just SHREDDED through the brotherhood. I was 2 handing, and my other deck was running my only copy of Iron Heart so I used Electrostatic armor. I love the consistent damage in both the player phase and the villain phase.

Tons of fun, nice job!

Mar 08, 2024 Sindrik8x · 590

@Gregappreciate all your help with tuning suggestions in Discord, and thankful you tossed it together for testing. The extra damage from Electro with a Counter Pounch and Retaliate up is super gross, Lol! Tough flex spot decisions here. Can go either way. Thankful for you brother! Also, I mainly run her 2p coop with a buddy of mine. We play X-Men style and he uses Wolverine. Claws up!!! Haha!!!

Mar 14, 2024 Sindrik8x · 590

FYI - "Testing":

-1 Iceman, +1 Daredevil

The deck really doesn't want multiple 3 cost allies. Professor X is by far the better of the two with what we're doing. Plus his thwart is fantastic to pair with hers, Animal Mastery, Honey Badger and Sisterly Bond.

Plus, Daredevil can chump minions, help us move damage around, and is also an additional physical resource, which we want to find for "What Doesn't Kill Me". Recurring and/or low cost allies that work functionally with our deck are what we need. And, we don't ever want to have turns where we can't play a particular card due to a constraint.

Otherwise, this list is performing phenomenally in most games for me.