Pumped Giants

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Zorzogoth · 1

Goal is to make the most out of Teamwork when She-Hulk is all pumped up or when Goliath pumps his strength to 5.

There're a lot of ready effects to use on pumped Goliath, or to speed up She-Hulks dmg output. Goliath can hopefully defend for one turn and help a bit with the thwarting. Hulk is good for soaking damage or you can peak with Jessica to see if it's safe for Hulk attack. Wonderman is a third target with teamwork or used as defense.

Added aggression attacks to deal with toughness and guardians. Jessica's apartment can get She-Hulk so she can start to pump. Toughness goes on She-Hulk too.