Wasp Leads the Avengers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AndersGabrielsson · 91

This deck tries to make as much use of Wasp's alter-ego ability as possible while focusing on mostly cheap Avenger allies.

As much as the board state allows, you want to flip between hero and alter-ego every turn. This will allow you to reuse some of your allies and strong event cards by shuffling them back into your deck, in particular the Leadership Ant-Man, Squirrel Girl, and Make the Call. Leadership Training also allows you to recycle Strength in Numbers once you have 3+ allies in play, and with Med Lab you can recur some allies another way.

Note that Mighty Avengers only works while you're in hero form. If that feels too limiting, either trade Leadership Training for Honorary Avenger to keep your Avenger status in alter-ego form or ditch Mighty Avengers for Maria Hill.

You can use other Avenger allies if you wish, or cut some of them for other cards. Don't sleep on Wonder Man though, as you will fairly often have an extra card or two in your hand and once Mighty Avengers is out he's hitting for four.