Just Shut Up and Take It

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

andyr · 4361


Venom uses weapons to do many things: spread damage, targeted damage, creating weaknesses for damage. He's the machinist, and when he has all of his tools out, he's ready to clear the board.


Obviously, you want to get the weapons out. That's the heart of any Venom deck, but there's one other tool not to pass up on, and that's Float Like a Butterfly. This deck contains so much synergy and method around "confused" that even steady enemies will be subject to the extra damage. It's great to be able to have Dazzler or Spider-Woman do 3 damage to enemies.


Speaking of Float Like a Butterfly, it helps create an enemy weakness around confusion. One extra damage doesn't feel like much until you get to see how much it adds up over the course of a game and with any character you control. Scare Tactic is now 4 damage, your base attack will do 5 damage, and Professor X can even do 1 damage.


Inflict confuse on all enemies through the myriad of cards. "Think Fast!" lets you use your health to confuse. Upside the Head the head lets you confuse the villain or a high-health minion. In fact, nothing feels better than doing 4 damage to the Badoon Headhunter, confuse him with Upside the Head, then use Scare Tactic to finish the job.

Sonic Rifle helps with the confusion, but don't forget its other ability of doing 3 damage. This may not be the most efficient use of the weapon, but it is a nice way to deal with minions or the villain when you're looking to make that push.

Auto Crossbow

This is a justice deck, so make sure to keep the board under control using Venom's spread abilities. Multitasking is meant to help get side schemes down or keep tempo with the main scheme. His pistols and thwart can help finish a scheme, and then you can use Skilled Investigator to draw. It's a pretty standard combo, but it's important to call out. Most solo side schemes can be taken care of by Multitasking and Multi-Gun taking two threat away. Sense of Justice is there to help trigger the Multitasking and Behind Enemy Lines bonuses.

Use your tools to keep the board stable. Then do big damage to confused enemies. If the villain is stalwart, use your confuse ability against minions while doing your standard attack and damage to the villain. The goal of confuse is not to flip down. It's to create a weakness around it and do lots of damage. Pretty standard piloting, but pretty fun results!

Character Role Decks:

Each of these decks are meant to be mixed and match in multiplayer with the other role decks below. Feel free to check out some of the other character roles


Feb 23, 2024 Daring Lime · 491

@'andyr' I've always thought that Eros is a great ally.

Feb 23, 2024 andyr · 4361

Thanks, @alechoward41! Agreed, especially in this deck where he can set up for Scare Tactics to do 4 damage, essentially knocking out most minions.

Feb 24, 2024 tunicv · 296

Float Like a Butterfly has to be one of the biggest blessings this game has ever seen. It has inspired so many great decks. As always, love the deck and can't wait to get it on the table.

Feb 24, 2024 andyr · 4361

thanks, @tunic2011! and agreed that it's been fun to have Float Like a Butterfly. i always get nervous about statuses because of stalwart villains, but Float Like a Butterfly is a friendly reminder for how useful confusing minions can be.

Feb 25, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 235

@andyr excited to try this one (ive come to realize that i'm saying that alot about your decks). Venom was my first go to hero and is still top 5 in my favorites. Been wanting to build around Float Like a Butterfly and will definitely be giving this a shot.

Feb 26, 2024 andyr · 4361

@Castlefrank47 glad you’ve been enjoying all the decks. I hope this deck lives up to the same expectation! For me, it was a lot of fun to play. Venom is definitely a super enjoyable hero to play.

Feb 26, 2024 BlackDaz83 · 14

This looks very well thought out, kudos! can't wait to give it a try

Feb 27, 2024 andyr · 4361

thanks, @BlackDaz83! hope it goes well, and that it's as much as I've had with it :D

Mar 02, 2024 GhostWithKnife · 70

It's so cool seeing Float Like A Butterfly become so popular. I made a Kitty deck using it, but this takes the cake! Makes me wanna get my symbiote on!

Mar 02, 2024 andyr · 4361

Thanks, @GhostWithKnife! Venom really has the tools to just kill it wherever he goes.

Mar 17, 2024 Daring Lime · 491

@andyr Just posted a game with my friend where he tried out your deck on tabletop. youtu.be

Mar 17, 2024 andyr · 4361

@Daring Lime that’s awesome! Congrats on pulling out the win. It was cool to see the Float Like a Butterfly damage help in clearing minions or enhancing damage. Thanks for sharing!