Spider-Woman FullCircleGaming V1.1

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

irishgamerdood · 7

FullCircleGaming V1.1

This is a tweak from the V1.0 Spider-Woman deck. I found that overloading the deck with allies wasn't a good use of resources. I found myself only getting to play 1 ally per turn. I also found myself playing her signature cards to greater efect, thus I was discarding allies to use her other cards. With her signature cards, at least in the several games I played, were usually a better option at the time, than actually playing an ally, which is sort of counter-intuitive for a leadership player. So with this build, I shrunk the available allies, took in some other useful cards to help boost card play like the "enhanced" cards. Here I can still play a heavy version of leadership better, while still utilizing Spider-Woman's signature cards as well. I had a much better board state with this build.