Black Widow Combos Everywhere Expert

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Bandero · 1

This powerful deck is an actual version of Respuesta rápida combo, but introducing new cards like Pedir refuerzos and Entrenamiento de superpoderes

The strategy consist in play Respuesta rápida with Fury to push some damage, Xavier to confuse and Pájaro Burlón to stun and chum block while Danza mortal finish with all.

Pedir refuerzos can allow us to play Hombre Gigante or Fury to smash everybody

In other hand, Entrenamiento de superpoderes can play the suit, to get +1 in DEF and make the combo with planifications.

We can play so much in alter ego, to have more cards per turn, and play some planifications to make combos everywhere, like fury + rapid response + damage + preparation with the suit or Pedir refuerzos + Giant Man to do 4 damage two conssecutive turns.

Our big team Bestia two resources Goliat finisher Kaluu for events María Hill cards and Ojo de Halcón to kill minions

I have played in Expert some scenarios and the result is so good!! Enjoy this deck!!