Iron Guardian

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shazbahty · 580

Iron Man and Leadership are a hero and aspect that aren't my first choice but that is where the next off meta hero/aspect combo has led me. It was surprisingly easy to come up with a deck I felt was somewhat unique to Iron Man, though I didn't expect it to revolve around Guardians.

So what makes this an Iron Man deck and not just a Guardian deck? That would be Stark Tower and Laser Blaster. Laser Blaster serves 2 purposes. The first is a cheap Tech traited card to help get your hand size rolling early. Second a target for Star Tower. Use it to boost the damage on your Guardian allies, maybe boost them a bit more with Target Practice, or give Iron Man some help with Teamwork.

Morale Boost is included for the more so than the extra stat line. So feel free to switch it out. Superpower Training is probably not needed but again .

The allies is really where you've got some freedom. I chose Guardian allies with no restriction. With Make the Call you could easily cheat the others into play. Could swap in Rapid Response or Call for Backup as well to help cheat them into/keep play.