(Wolverine, Aggression) The Tactical Berserker

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

XeroKhan · 13

A custom deck I have made on my own, but I will place a few pointers as to what I was thinking when making this deck. This was tested in True Solo only, and on Expert difficulty on several villains.

First off, Aggression fits Wolverine to a metaphorical tee, especially considering the comics. So, going with that, I found an interesting card that would work well:

Honed Technique.

This is the centerpiece of this deck. Despite the requirement of two genius resources, this boosts so many Attack cards that make up the deck (even in Wolvy's selection of cards). This card combo's well with the Aggressive Energy resource, boosting the bonus damage even further.

So, what cards do we use with this? Honed Technique specifies "Aggression Attack Event" cards, so sadly this does not work well with what Wolvy already has; however, the key here is Attack Event cards, so we stick to Aggression.

Clobber is magnificent with Wolvy. Due to using Wolvy's HP as a resource via Wolverine's Claws, you can slap something for 3 damage for free considering Wolvy's Healing Factor ability. Plus, if used as the first card in the turn, Clobber returns to your hand to be used either again or as a resource. Now with Honed Technique, that 3 damage becomes 5 that can return to your hand for 2 resources.

Into The Fray is also good. Stong damage, Threat removal if there is excess damage- this is a strong card made stronger with Honed Technique, turning that 6 damage into a whopping 9. The majority of Minions do not have that much, so there will be Threat removal. Plus, with Track By Scent being Wolvy's only Threat removal from his own cards, this helps as well.

Melee does the same thing as Slice and Dice; however, because Melee is an Aggression Attack Event, it gets boosted with Honed Technique, making two attacks on different enemies 6 each. If we throw in Aggressive Energy as well, that is 7 each instead. What's not to love about that?

Outta My Way is great not so much for a bulkier Minion, but rather Guard and Patrol Minions. But that too is boosted as well, making it easier to get through that Guard/Patrol.

With all of these Attack cards from Aggression and Wolvy, we have a total of 18 Attack events- almost half of the deck. Finding what we need is more difficult now especially due to a deck size that is greater that our minimum of 40. So, to compensate, we have Plan of Attack to find that certain Attack card we need AND possibly play it.

So, outside of the Wolvy cards, we need to fuel this deck with some Resources to be able to play them easier, especially since a large chunk of them are 2 or 3 cost. We already went over Aggressive Energy, but The Power of Aggression helps so much, and having the generic Genius, Strength, and Energy will help as well. If we also include The X-Jet, that is one more Resource per turn. And let's not forget about Martial Prowess.

Finally, I threw in some Upgrade cards to not only fill out the deck a bit more, but also synergize with Adamantium Skeleton. Combat Training is obvious, but Fluid Motion is also good. Conditional +1 Attack for the turn after you play an Attack Card (which we have a lot of) works great. With Adamantium Skeleton, Combat Training, and Fluid Motion, Wolvy will have 5 ATK with Piercing.

A good combo with what is mentioned playing Clobber to trigger Fluid Motion, then attacking to eradicate a pesky enemy's Tough, and then finishing it off with something like Melee, Into The Fray, or Slice And Dice.

The TL;DR: Wolverine will take down anything he can get to. Good for rushing down a villain, and for single-target high damage.

I would love to hear feedback for improvements!