Stun/Confuse Lock Multiplayer

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Blucyfer · 38

This deck is designed for a two player game and could use a snappy name.

Miles likes stuns and confuses, so we've loaded up with Drop Kick and Press the Advantage to bump up damage and card draw. All of our Allies do one or both of those. Getting Web-Shooter and Martial Prowess out quickly are important to afford the expensive events and allies, which is one reason we have so many resource cards. The other reason is to have more of the right kind of energy for all the cards that require specific kinds.

We even out the high-cost card with Chase Them Down which will let us take care of a bit of threat every now and then in addition to our THW. With the villain confused so often and high damage output to minions, it should be safe to flip to AE and use Crew Quarters without taking a turn to REC. Between the Stuns and Toughness cards hitting the board, our HP should stay high, but if things are looking dire, use an Ally to chump block.