Adam Warlock, Symbiote Sorcerer Supreme

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

DaveG67 · 29

This deck will revolve around Soul World, Symbiote Suit, Go All Out, and Push Ahead.

First priority is finding Soul World early and getting it on the board, hard mulligan is a must. Do not use events that discard cards until you find it, the only other early priorities should be Endurance and The Sorcerer Supreme, and try to find your hero upgrades that revolve around your Battle Mage ability. Build up your base stats with Armored Vest, Combat Training, and Heroic Intuition. Expect 10+ cards on your board after building up.

Manage the game with battle mage, basic attacks/thwarts, and hero events. Your second time through the deck should focus on getting Symbiote Suit down mid-game(the benefits far outweigh the extra encounter card, but played too early can be risky), boosting stats, hand size to 7 in hero and alter-ego forms (with the help of The Sorcerer Supreme) and health to a max of 24, the key to this deck and soul would, keeping you in hero form for long periods of time. When you get low on health, flip and utilize Soul World, to save an exhaust, heal to max health and flip back next turn to get back in the action.

End game should be focusing on Go All Out, Push Ahead, and even leadership Battle Mage to boost stats for maximum damage/thwart. Once your board is built, go crazy discarding cards with hero events/spell events, and take large attacks without defending using "You'll Pay for That!" and Counterattack to deal potentially massive damage back/remove threat. Utilize your 24 health with Clarity of Purpose to help pay costs each turn.