The Phoenix Ambush Tactic

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
The Rise of the Phoenix 1 2 0 1.0

Goatzilla · 133

At first, I was really disappointed after buying this hero. She's such a cool character and I couldn't get to do anything interesting with her. Now that I fully understand this game, she has become one of my favorite heroes to play.

Wait until round 5-6 to unleash. Maybe even after you first empty your hero deck, depending on the enemy you're fighting. ¾ of the cards in this deck have a ressource cost of 2 or less so take the time to build your player area with allies/support/upgrades. When she is restrained, she's a thwart beast so no worries. With White Hot Room, you can recover 5 hp in a round (7 because you get to use the White Hot Room at the beginning of your next hero phase before switching back). And with Under Surveillance, it gives you a buffer round to switch without becoming too much paranoid.

When you're comfortable with your player area setup, unleash the Phoenix and start go all out! 9 damage and overkill with Telekinetic Attack, Multi hits with Psychic Blast, double affect and 4 threat removal with Telepathic Trickery, all you need to do is bring an ally or Telekinetic Shield to block the incoming damage.

She makes a justice deck fun to play, which not all heroes can achieve (think black Widow and her endless cancel tactic).


Oct 23, 2023 Goatzilla · 133

@TimtheEnchanter77 Republishing the deck made me lose the comment section. Thanks for the heads up, I've added one of my favorite combo instead: Monica Chang and 2x Surveillance Team!