psylent and deadly

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

kurttheviking · 14

DEPRECATED: See v3 instead

Working through play-testing a Psylocke/Aggression build. Seeking a lower-cost curve with flexibility and punch to be used primarily in solo play. I'm also considering adding...

Feedback welcome!

v2 Notes:

  • Removed Moira; while Psylocke flips regularly, this build leans aggro and ramps quickly so the card draw benefit doesn't quite justify the cost...replaced with Jarnbjorn
  • Removed Telekinesis; just a bit too expensive relative to the damage output; better to have another Psi-Bow Attack

Oct 14, 2023 Erathis · 17

Jarnbjorn is a restricted weapon too meaning you've now got four restricted weapons in the deck and only three allowed in play at one time (once you have Side Holster that is). I definitely recommend getting rid of that.

I generally think Moira is a must have for any Mutant. Getting more card draw is always worth it. It's either a card you can play (good with Psylocke's resource generation and small hand size) or a card you can use to pay for something else. Either way, if you're looking at putting Avenger's Mansion in the deck, Moira is probably better (assuming you flip regularly, which you should given her hand size).

Oct 16, 2023 Pedroq · 223

I like X-Gene a lot. It can fill that Moira void. The extra resource feels good. I mainly use it for Psionic Redirect and Telepathic Suggestion.

I like to run multiple copies of Team-Building Exercise in Psylocke. It's effectively becomes a 2 cost helicarrier for her because she has so many psionic cards to play.

I don't mind going over 40 cards so I would just add team building and x-gene outright and test it out. If you would like swap out suggestions, I suggest swapping Machine Man and Jarnbjorn.

The deck looks hype. Im building this and trying it. I know you said this is for solo play, but man, if you have a justice player and they can put Float Like a Butterfly on you. Damage is nutty. //.^\

Oct 17, 2023 kurttheviking · 14

@Erathis -- yeah the original idea was that i tend to roll with one knife/one katana and the aggro was such that i never made it through her deck so having two extra weapons increased the odds i get one of them sooner. having said that, i just wrapped up an expert red skull campaign and tend to agree that i should remove side holster and jarnbjorn, replacing with 2 more red events. i'm leaning towards keeping psimitar still which I find useful in some situations still, mostly with minion heavy enemies)

@Pedroq -- oh x-gene is a good call; i may have to test a couple scenarios with that. thanks!