Cyclops: X-Men packs only

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

spinnerrogers · 80

This is the Cyclops deck I used to play through the Mutant Genesis expansion. It is viable for solo and multiplayer games, and uses only cards from the Mutant Genesis cycle (including hero packs). Thus, it is a decent starting point for people who got into the game because of the X-Men and are looking for a solid deck to build.

Cyclops has the economy and ally-access to take advantage of the X-Men supports very well, so between these and allies there really isn't much to add. I converged on Danger Room Training and Game Time as being my main includes outside of allies/supports, as they provide some helpful tempo when needed. The deck doesn't rely on any particular combo, though, leading to a variety of games.

Notably, this deck does not include X-Mansion. It's a nice card to have on the table, but I found that usually I am too busy managing the board to afford it. Instead, we have an extra copy of Uncanny X-Men, which offers a similar effect in addition to discounting X-Men allies. Danger Room Training and Game Time add extra hit points to our most powerful allies anyway, while also granting stats and extra uses. If you really want to play X-Mansion, replacing Down Time or Endurance is certainly an option.

Honorary X-Men was a late addition, but I found that it really helps you get the most out of your supports, since some want your identity to be an alter-ego/mutant while others want your identity to be an X-Men.