Ms. Marvel - Confusingly Deep

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


Since Next Evolution came out, I have been looking for ways to incorporate Digging Deep, White Fox, Wolfsbane, and Feral cards into decks other than Domino's. The deck runs 42 cards, but you are going to be discarding often, and adding cards back to you hand, so the extra two cards should not be affect play greatly.

Kamala Khan offers some utility, since in alter-ego she regularly discards cards looking for her character cards. Global Logistics also provides a good source of discards and Aamir Khan lets you get some more cards from your discard back into your deck. Both of these can be used in alter-ego, with Nakia Bahadir and Bruno Carrelli providing further benefits.

So how do we capitalize on alter-ego? The obvious way, with confusion. Concussive Blow and Sonic Rifle are our tools here, with a touch of help from Dazzler and Eros. You are going to want do some damage, then confuse and flip down to alter-ego before trying to benefit from your discard-based cards.

Your opening mulligan is going to be focused on getting a SHIELD card into play that you can use to fuel Global Logistics. You should then be bouncing back and forth between hero and alter-ego, getting hero cards along with Digging Deep cards to help pay for them. You should also eventually getting resources from Biokinetic Polymer Suit.

Naturally villains with Steady and Stalwart are going to pose a much greater challenge for this deck.


(Solo) Standard Mr. Sinister w/Acolytes

(Solo) Standard Mojo w/Fantasy/Crime

(Solo) Standard Collector 1 w/Masters of Evil


(Solo) Expert Collector 1 w/Masters of Evil