Unleash the Fury of the Nova Force

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AbisMal · 9

Unleash the Fury of the Nova Force is my own build taking advantage of the new player side schemes.

Numerous synergies are awaiting discovery with each play of this deck. The card draw from the allies allows Nova to access Unleash Nova Force more quickly, which contributes to even more card draw. This is added to by the use of the player side schemes, Build Support and Call for Backup.

Nova cannot play Quincarrier; however, Build Support allows Nova to put it directly into play from the discard pile or deck, giving Nova extra access to a resource, which Nova will need with the sometimes outrageous card draw he'll get from this deck.

Nick Fury will tend to drive the card-draw engine, especially if Rapid Response is played the same turn, while Moon Girl will also contribute to high card draw, with extra opportunities to do using Regroup. Judicious use of Falcon (Joaquin Torres) contributes to more readying of Nova to allow Supernova Helmet's more frequent usage, or, on those large-damage turns, Falcon can ready Ms. Marvel for continued Pot Shots to Unleash the Fury of the Nova Force.