42-card pickup (see house rule in notes)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KarmicLark · 1

Publishing for TTS upload.

This list has two extra cards (one forbidden) for a reason. It's meant to be played alongside my brother's Rogue deck for the Mutant Genesis campaign.

(Very minor spoiler about Mutant Genesis campaign)

First, in the Mutant Genesis campaign, I picked the Peacekeeper role, which allowed me to add Impede as an extra card.

Second, we play with the following house rule: If another player's hero matches your signature ally AND allows you to meet the requirement for a Team-Up card, you may choose to remove your signature ally from the deck and replace it with the Team-Up card (it is not considered an identity-specific card).

Essentially, disregard the Rogue ally for this specific list. The platform won't let me remove it.