Card draw simulator

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supermilkboy · 70

“Aim High … Fly-Fight-Win”

All-American Aerial Assault Artillery And Altitude And Attitude Adjustable Attack Aviation Aggression or AAAAAAAAAAAAA for short.

Is that the sound of fear in the opposition OR IS THAT JUST THE SOUND OF FREEDOM? One "A" for every God-damned star on the American flag.

Strap on your speed jeans and dominate the skies with aerial supremacy by becoming the baddest bird this side of the Mississippi.

Wanted to make a semi-thematic Aggro War Machine deck and what better way than to make use of the unique Aerial trait gained from the Upgraded Chassis by utilizing some of arguably the two best Aerial cards in the game: Tactical Nuke Incoming and Pitchback? Aerial gives War Machine access to a small pool of cards found across all aspects: Leadership is decent but just turns into another variant of Agent 13/ Shoulder Cannon OTK since the synergies between Aerial allies are just downright awful, and Justice/ Protection doesn’t really make use of Aerial all that well beyond 2 aspect-bound cards each.

Now to get onto the bread and butters of the deck. This deck has a lot of S.H.I.E.L.D., but I assure you it's all SWORD. Let me explain:

"I love the smell of napalm in the morning."

-The aim of the deck is to whip out Honed Technique ASAP along with Quincarrier so it always stays live. This deadly combo ensures your Aggro attack events do huge amounts of damage. Dive Bomb has the most benefit from Honed Technique as the most expensive Aggro attack to date and becomes an actual nuke, Melee becomes a 6/6, etc. There are 2x in the deck to ensure there’s always Genius resources to pay for the cost, as much as it ups the cost curve of the deck.

-No Quarter helps the consistency of the deck through the excavation effect and resource type. Because of upgrades like Shoulder Cannon which help to control the total health of all enemies on the board, No Quarter should usually give you a 3 card mill at the least, 4 with Follow Through on the board to push mid to late game, and becomes increasingly consistent as non-Aggro cards are placed on the board. You also don't have to worry too much about losing identity cards as Rhodey just reloads them into the deck.

-As cool and unique a card as Get Over Here! is being one of the only CC/ kiting effects in the game limited to Aerials, there’s simply no need to run it. The resource type and effect simply don’t fit into the deck.

You don’t come to America, America comes to you.

-Like any War Machine deck, all you’re doing for the most part is setting up. Priority is as follows:

  1. Shoulder Cannon/ Iron Man - singlehandedly the most important cards in War Machine’s kit. Every deck builds around these cards. I don’t need to say more.

  2. Any and all supports to start lowering the cost curve.

  3. Upgraded Chassis - this will keep you alive longer as you set up and give you access to “Aerial”.

  4. Honed Technique - your last piece of Exodia. This breaks every Aggro card in your deck.

  5. Agent 13 is a no brainer in War Machine. She breaks any and all builds for War Machine because of cards like Munitions Bunker, Helicarrier, etc. She might as well be an honorary member of his identity kit.

Now go out there and get’em! God speed, soldier!


Aug 24, 2023 journeyman2 · 24032

This write-up gave me chills, 'murica!

Maybe you meant the number of A's equaled to the number of stripes on the flag, not stars though? I counted 13 which works out!

Aug 24, 2023 turtles04 · 763

Hahaha I was the first like! Great deck and write up!

Aug 24, 2023 supermilkboy · 70

@journeyman2 it was a Confederate flag joke but I actually totally forgot about the stripes haha. Good looking out! And thank you!