InDOMINOble - A Perfect Defense/Super Offense Hybrid

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

bsj06a · 746

Everybody is making Domino decks, I’m not special, and I definitely don’t have the talent for making flashy and exciting write ups. But I wanted to share my deck that has just been shredding enemies. Turns out a lot of people are interested in Domino decks because she’s not only massively powerful, but also super fun and interesting to play, and can be played with top tier decks in any aspect. I do think Protection is her strongest aspect, even in true solo, because I think it’s good to get use out of her best stat (defense) and also be able to ready her up when you have Probability Field, possibly one of the strongest hero cards in the game.

The beginning of this was a true perfect defense deck, but Domino likes flipping to alter ego often to make use of amazing cards for her like Pip the Pug and Weapon X. A perfect defense hero the doesn’t want to always be in hero mode seems counter intuitive, and it is. I scaled back on some of the cards, and started making a bit of a hybrid.

One of peoples few complaints about Domino is that what she does worst is thwart, until she has Probability Field. Another problem was not being able to trigger Unflappable or Hard to Ignore on turns you want to flip down. Bait and Switch ended up being the solution to both of those problems. With all of the readying, you’re happy to flip back up, play Bait and Switch and defend to trigger your perfect defense cards you missed from the previous turn. Sometimes you’re happy to tank an attack just to take damage so you can play What Doesn’t Kill Me.

This is where we come to another fun combo, which is interactions with Lucky and Good. Because Lucky and Good is a permanent upgrade that’s activation makes you “defend”, you can not defend with a tough token from Perseverance and still trigger your Unflappable and Hard to Ignore. You can even attack or thwart, then play Bait and Switch while exhausted, use Lucky and Good and ready with Indomitable in the hero turn to get another basic activation. With Probability Field this is even more potent. Indomitable honestly is one of the best cards in the deck, a cheap card that allows you to do what you want most every turn while also doing so much more that’s powerful.

Yes there’s 41 cards, but I didn’t know what to cut, and I don’t think 41 is a big deal. Domino has so much card selection and filtering, and just straight card velocity at times. It’s underrated how well she can use situational cards like Perseverance, if you know you’re going to be flipping down to alter ego at the end of the turn, just throw your Perseverance on top of your deck so you’ll draw it in alter ego. Even better with Painted Lady in play, you can mill Perseverance and get it back right before flipping back up to use it.

My closing statement is that you can make any Domino deck by throwing darts at a board and it’ll probably be very good. But this deck is EXCELLENT, and plays on so many of her synergies. I hope you enjoy it, because I’ve had some of the most fun I’ve had in Champions playing this deck. Let me know what you think!


Aug 21, 2023 bsj06a · 746

As a note, for solo players I honestly don’t think it’s unreasonable to find space for the Black Widow ally. Domino doesn’t have resource struggles, and because of her glut of wilds you can always pay for her ability if you need it, mainly to avoid Advance when you are in alter ego.

Aug 22, 2023 dr00 · 43725

very cool deck! one of my playgroup partners uses What Doesn't Kill Me in protection Domino, and it's always so much value with Probability Field

also, i think i saw you on D20's stream making the joke about this deck name? haha, i love it!

Aug 22, 2023 bsj06a · 746

@dr00 Yeah, that was me. I had published with a pretty poorly written and thought out writeup, so I decided to delete the original one and republish with the different name and more detailed write up.

The funny thing is probably my least favorite card in the deck us the third copy of What Doesn’t Kill Me. Especially since The Posse is also basically another copy of it. But I’ve kept it in because when you want a copy of it, you really want it. Sometimes you have to make sure you’re damaged for it, luckily triggering Weapon X twice after flipping and before flipping does exactly 2 damage to you which helps facilitate it.

Once Angel comes out I will be replacing Bait & Switch with Taunt. The help of the threat removal of B&S is a nice fallback, but it hasn’t been the most necessary, I’d rather just have the cards.

Aug 23, 2023 AncientEpithet · 732

I really like this - nice explanation of your inclusion of Bait and Switch and only two copies of Hard to Ignore. The strategy is a great idea/approach to a perfect defense hero that wants to flip to alter ego. Thanks for sharing!

Aug 23, 2023 bsj06a · 746

@AncientEpithet Thank you for the kind words, I hope you enjoy the deck. It is reasonable to add a third Hard to Ignore, especially because Domino doesn’t mind upgrades that stay on the table to thin her deck out for wilds. I think when Taunt comes out to replace Bait & Switch it would be a good idea to go up to 3 Hard to Ignore, and utilize Right Place, Right Time to clear out side schemes, which can be consistent with Pip the Pug.

Nov 09, 2023 Pedroq · 175

Probability Field for sure best upgrade. On release, my friend played Cable and I played her. I FORCED him to play Superpower Training over the Technovirus sidescheme with the setup ability. Get Probability Field on ASAP pls.

In that playthrough, I played protection Domino healer. Second Wind actually feels good with her. She can meet the easily. Even First Aid felt nice too. She wasnt a "I will defend for you" but more of "you can get beat up, I'll undo it."

The indomitable + good and lucky interaction is beautiful.

Nov 09, 2023 bsj06a · 746

@Pedroq Probability Field for sure is her best card. Especially in solo it can really help with her biggest struggle, which is thwarting when you get behind.

I haven’t loved the healing cards with Domino too much outside of the healing from What Doesn’t Kill Me. She has some incentives to flip to alter ego, and with Probability Field also working for recover I tend to prefer utilizing that. But it is nice that First Aid can heal Outlaw.