Card draw simulator
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NickyBFury · 8
This deck revolves around Call for Aid, grabbing copies of Digging Deep along the way and then playing Avenger allies with powerful enter play effects. All the while, Cable will want to stay in hero form and thwart player side schemes to bolster his identity specific events, ready for an explosive end game.
A word on the allies...
Kaluu and Black Panther can help grab amazing event cards for any situation - the ones you'll likely want the most are Go All Out (especially after Technovirus Purge has been defeated) and Telekinetic Blast. Black Panther in particular is great for holding onto Go All Out for an OTK at the villain.
Vision and Captain Marvel play into Cable's natural lean towards energy resources, leading to big damage and thwart capability. White Fox is included as a handy blocker and can immediately enter play if discarded via Call for Aid.
The two player side schemes you'll want to prioritise, other than Technovirus Purge, are:
Call for Backup - particularly amazing for bringing in/back Captain Marvel, Kaluu or Black Panther in a pinch. Say hello to big damage and getting strong events back!
Build Support - really useful for getting Graymalkin early whilst defeating player side schemes for extra resource generation,as well as to pay the energy requirement for Go All Out. It also synergises very nicely with Vision.
Finally a word on the mulligan...
You'll want a Mind Scan to hopefully defeat Technovirus Purge on your first turn in combination with Cable's basic THW. Call for Aid is really handy to have early on, even better on your first turn so that you can make the most of hopefully grabbing copies of Digging Deep and/or White Fox. Build Support /Graymalkin as well for the reasons mentioned earlier.
Other than that, I'd say you don't need to worry too much about mulliganing hard for anything else in particular. Player Side Schemes will come around to help you acquire any upgrades and supports you missed through discard.
Hope you enjoy this deck! Let me know what you think, as well as any cool tweaks you might suggest.