Mind if I overkill since I'm Superhuman

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

winddrake · 205

Many people dont like playing Shehulk so hoping this will change some of their minds as this is a simple and awesome way to play her.

With the new rules to Superhuman Strength found here


Stating that if you cannot apply the stun then you don't discard Superhuman Strength, this means that if you use a basic attack to defeat a Minion or the first time you knockout the villain you don't discard Superhuman Strength.

Only three rules to playing this deck...

  • 1) Get your Superhuman Strengths x2 and combat training onto your board.
  • 2) Never basic attack anyone unless your gonna kill them in one shot.
  • 3) Be ok with Overkill Damage that may get wasted alot.

Whats good in this deck.

  • With both Superhuman Strengths and Combat training in play you should be at 8 Basic Attack power for using your "Smash the problem" 1 cost 8 Thwart and "Quick Strikes" against the enemies 1 cost 8 Damage
  • With 5 ways to ready yourself in this deck you may want to handle majority of the minions.
  • to maxout on overkill's you have Moments of Triumph and Handcannons to add +2 and keep HP up.
  • With 8 Basic attack it should be easy to trigger the 0 cost gatekeepers for removing 4 additional Threat.
  • Flip at least once every 2 turns to max out handsize, trigger her "Do you even lift" and allow you to cycle the red cards with Assault training's.
  • 4 Different cheap Aggression Allies for some variability.
  • Three large support cards that if put in play early will swing this game very fast.


  • Do not Basic Attack if you cant Defeat the person you attacking.
  • Gamma Slam and legal practice are mostly resources for this whole game.
  • In Multiplayer inform everyone ASAP if you need to Defeat minions this turn to trigger your abilities.