Spider-Man!!! 2.2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Spider-Man!!! 2.1 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Draqiule · 116

Symbiote Spidy is back!


Aug 06, 2023 SpanishMalcolm · 63

Valoración del mazo:
Control de la amenaza: 3,5 sobre 5,0
Daño: 3,4 sobre 5,0
Motor de recursos: Sobrepasado
Protección / sanación: 5,0 sobre 5,0
Motor de robo: 5,0 sobre 5,0
Control y estados: Sobrepasado
Valor global del mazo: 4,1 sobre 5,0

Deck Rating:
Threat control: 3,5 out of 5,0
Damage: 3,4 out of 5,0
Resource Engine: Overrun
Protection / Healing: 5,0 out of 5,0
Draw Engine: 5,0 out of 5,0
Control and statuses: Overrun
Overall deck value: 4,1 out of 5,0

Aug 06, 2023 crono.v.trigger · 1

Nice looking deck. In order to get the most out of both "What Doesn't Kill Me" and "Tenacity", you need to use a physical resource. What are you mainly relying upon to do so?

Aug 08, 2023 Draqiule · 116

Thank you, the main resources are the Webbed Up, Strength, backflip Quincarrier and the Web-Shooter . However I have modified the deck after a lot of play testing and this is the final version marvelcdb.com