Set Phasers to Stun

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ELFersten · 2

This is a deck that I created to bring to Gen Con and play against Ronan for the Awesome Campaign event. Taking inspiration from Brian V's Captain America "Stun Lock" and dr00's Shadowcat "Drunken Master," I created this Shadowcat protection deck called "Set Phasers to Stun." If the hero isn't taking damage while Phased, she's stunning the villain with Phased and Confused, Tackle, Never Back Down, Iron Fist, and Mockingbird. Then, Nightcrawler is on hand to guarantee the prevention of any damage with the use of The X-Jet. And then with the assistance of a Helicarrier and Team-Building Exercise, he'll bamf back into play for the cost of only one resource. Excelsior!