Spider-Woman -A Girl and her Dog

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Spider-Woman - Arachno-Fenrisian 1 2 0 1.0

Capitan Viterbo · 347

What's better than go out for a walk with your favorite pet telepath dog? Now it's the right time to let Cosmo out.

The concept of the Deck is pretty simple: upgrading Cosmo to let him destroy everything the villain put in front of you, while Jessica take the role of Thwarter/Tank.

Being a great all-around Hero, makes Spider-Woman the perfect support to this strategy with her ability to look at the top card of a deck (obvious synergy with Cosmo) on top of stunning/confusing enemies, tankiness with Contaminant Immunity and a good amount of natural thwarting and readies.

Have fun laughing at the villain when your pet is bigger than him!


Jul 14, 2023 Japara · 140


Jul 18, 2023 camipco · 1

This looks like a blast to play!

Jul 19, 2023 Japara · 140

@camipco it definitely is.

Jul 25, 2023 salsatheone · 2

This is the next thing since Cosmo got nerfed.

Jul 29, 2023 cihs · 7

I am confused about some card choises. How do you use honorery avenger? I can't see any upgrades for allies that needs that card. Target practice needs an ally with weapon. Costs 0 and removed after play. SO situational why you don't have Boot Camp instead? It costs 3 but buffs every time without situational things like having a weapon attached. Also since you want to thwart with Spider- Woman Push Ahead might be a nice option too.

Jul 30, 2023 Capitan Viterbo · 347

Honorary Avenger is basically 1 more HP on Cosmo if I need to ready him to attack two times in a turn. Target Pratice, yeah it's kinda meh but it's a 0 cost aspect card so it helps buffing SpiderWoman, also Cosmo should always have a weapon equipped so it can always trigger. I tried Boot Camp for a while but I find myself never playing it because I found more reliable playing more than one card in a turn (generally an upgrade on Cosmo and another aspect card) so Spider Woman got an higher buff of stats. Push Ahead was discarded for the same reason: I try to keep the cost curve as low as possible.

Aug 02, 2023 cihs · 7

Thank you for explaining. Now I undertand your choices. Have a nice day.