Some Overtime Required (Maria Hill Recursion)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Tavarni · 14

"I'm the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Lying to the entire world is in the job description. Right next to "some overtime required," which I would like to point out is a severe understatement." — Director Maria Hill (Avengers Standoff: Assault on Pleasant Hill Alpha #1)

This deck is designed to bring Maria Hill back multiple times in the same turn, using Rapid Response and Make the Call

I have been using some variant of this deck since I started playing the game back when it first came out, employing it with almost every hero, and it has evolved as more content has been released. However, Cyclops may be the most powerful iteration yet. With the ability to fetch TACTIC cards in both Hero form (Tactical Brilliance) and Alter-Ego form (Constant Training ability) you will rarely have a turn without a key card. Additionally, Field Commander has you going first every turn, which limits the chance of cards drawn by other players being unusable.

  • If Maria is at full health, either thwart or attack with her to bring her down to 1 health, then use Command Team to ready her and activate her a second time, sending her to the discard pile
    • Get Ready can work as a substitute for Command Team, but is less reliable as it is dependent upon being drawn
    • If unable to ready and reactivate Maria during the player turn, prioritize blocking with her
    • Other possible ways to send Maria to you discard pile, all of which also have the TACTIC keyword (NOTE: these will not trigger Rapid Response since she is being discarded and not defeated)
    • Go Down Swinging
    • Last Stand
    • Save the Day
  • Regroup adds additional bounce back for Maria, and has the added bonus of bringing other players' allies back into their hands, as well
  • Any time you are in alter-ego:
    • Consider using your Constant Training ability to fetch a Leadership TACTIC, often prioritizing these over those from your kit
    • Use Leadership Training to shuffle a copy of Make the Call back into your deck
    • Med Lab
    • Be careful to only place Maria here when you will be switching to Alter-Ego, as you do not want to "trap" her
  • Use the abilities of your other minions to fetch/store key cards
  • Optional cards that can be especially effective if one or more teammates have the X-MEN/MUTANT keyword

Between the TACTIC fetching, and the card draw provided by Maria, Nick Fury, Avengers Mansion, and Priority Target it is very possible to go through your entire deck almost every turn

Other published iterations: