Green Justice for All v 1.0 08-17-20

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ecamel · 11

Tested this deck solo twice, beat both standard difficulty (streamed on FB Live) and heroic 1 Ultron rather handedly, but I intend on testing it against other scenarios in the immediate future. I have been playing a Black Widow Justice deck to great effect, but I wanted to play She-Hulk to put some of the complaints against her to bed.

I wanted to play to her strengths; Gamma Slam is potentially an epic game finisher, Superhuman Law Division is a great threat removal option. First Aid might seem like a weak inclusion, but it provides a needed science resource for both For Justice! and SLD, plus provides some supplemental heals post Gamma Slam.

Most of the other inclusions speak for themselves. Agent Coulson takes the place of the 3rd Counterintelligence. (You do not need all 3 with 2 Great Responsibility in the deck. Overkill. I have considered dropping to 1.)

Down Time helps maximize your time in alter ego mode. I think Jennifer suffers a bit less of a penalty for swapping with her threat reduction and damage benefit for swapping back to hero mode (not to mention +2 card draw), but you still want to be able to make the most of it. In a pinch, you could toss it to your squishier co-op partner to provide a bit of utility, if they're having a tough go of it.

  • Cards I am considering removing:

Daredevil is great; 6 threat and 3 damage is nothing to sneeze at, but... 4 cost cards are a tough sell in a She Hulk deck. Plus, Hellcat and Coulson are already good at removing threat.

Nick Fury has become an auto include with most decks, but again, he costs 4 and I feel like Split Personality provides me a similar benefit. (I typically use Nick to cycle a bad hand.)

Helicarrier is probably going to get tossed in favor of Avengers Mansion. Big support cards are generally understood to be too slow for heroic, but I disagree with the idea that they should never be included. If played within the first 1/3 of the game, they're fine if you feel you can afford the tempo.

Heroic Intuition is a little slow for what does. I don't find I need to actually thwart a whole lot as my hero in this deck, though that would probably change if I remove 2 allies.

  • Cards I might add:

Followed is okay. It isn't in this deck, but I would find room for it if I was playing against a side scheme heavy encounter or felt I needed to reduce the curve of the deck overall. It's too often a dead card to include multipes of, and I feel like Jessica Jones is already my anti SS tech.

Avengers Mansion, as mentioned before, is admittedly very slow, but the deck needs card draw that isn't always attached to taking damage. At worst, it is a that can be chewed up for Superhuman Law Division.

Beat Cop might be worth a second copy, but that 2nd copy got cut to maintain the curve in the initial deck build. While good, it is rather slow to provide its entire benefit. I found that, by the time I got a big play from it, it would hit the discard just in time to get cycled back into the deck.

Surveillance Team is a way too slow version of For Justice! that never gains a 4th threat removal. The only reason I would consider it is that 1.) you always get full value, 2.) it can be played whether you have threat on the table or not and 3.) it has a .

  • Cards I flat out refuse to play with in this deck

Any other preparation card. Having tested a lot of them in Black Widow, the character that can get the most mileage out of them, I found Espionage (too slow, 2 cards now for 2 cards later is a bad exchange), Spycraft (silver bullet against only a few cards), etc. to just not really be worth the slot.

Quake is not good. Her stats aren't interesting, her text is too situational. Nope, not interested.

Concussive Blow is overcosted for a confuse with some "maybe" damage, especially in a deck like this that isn't designed around resources.


Aug 22, 2020 DoxaLogos · 230

Nice deck, ecamel. I'll have give this one a go after my solo online round is over. I tend not to put Avenger's Mansion in She-Hulk's deck because of her two focused rages though. Seems almost unnecessary and less efficient.

Sep 01, 2020 ecamel · 11

If you consider the cost of healing, it isn't that unnecessary. Yes, you want a big Gamma Slam but there are definitely situations that I'd rather not take the damage. If anything, it is a greedy inclusion; with a 4 hand size, why wouldn't you want as much card draw as possible? There are many things you can have too much of (threat removal when there is no threat, for example); cards is not one of them. It isn't necessarily an either/or selection in this case.