Ally Recursion - a Leadership Smash Up deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Scorpion0x17 · 284

A quick smash up deck build.

Concept is simple - with the high number of allies, with ‘enters play’ abilities, you should be getting 1 per round - drop them down, trigger their ability, attack/thwart with them, sacrifice them to a block, and recur them to get their ability to proc again.

Some high cost allies so consider Avengers Mansion and/or Helicarrier.

Should have a Johnny play style, with hints of Timmy, and just a touch of Spike.

NOTE: I build for 'fun', not for 'optimal'. So these may not be the 'best' in their class, but I hope they will be enjoyable to play.