Big Green Tank

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

martinsmudge · 61

Ive managed to get Hulk working solo with protection. So Far ive beaten Rhino, Klaw and Green Goblin all on the harder modes.

Unlike a lot of the characters where you can build some board presence first you dont have the luxury with Hulk. He cannot let his opponent scheme so you have to stay in Hero form as much as possible.

With this deck your number 1 priority is to stun the opponent. The next would be a decision on if you are defending against an attack based on what is in your hand. Dont automatically allow the allies to take an attack. You need them just keeping on top of threat until you can take the 3/5 off with Sub-Orbital. You can then look at sneaking the Helicarrier/Quincarriers in as well. Start to then rebuild your health.

Keep minions down with your basic attacks and the Thunderclaps when you can sneak them in but dont prioritise them over a stun. Its better to take damage from a minion than an enemy on most occasions.

Once thats done you can then start hitting your opponent harder and forsaking the stun attacks to do the major damage with the Hulk Smash to finish them off but this will be at the end.

Hulk seems to be all about playing very very cautiously to start with and it takes him a lot longer to establish his board presence as he wont have everything on hand. You really do need to stop yourself getting too aggressive as you can find you get overwhelmed if give in to the temptation of simply slapping your opponent about. If you dont finish them off you end up losing control of the game quite quickly.


Aug 15, 2020 Bowser · 37

Resourceful seems like a bad card at first glance. How does it work for you here? In what circumstance do you find yourself playing it?

Aug 15, 2020 martinsmudge · 61

Its versatility is the key and im ableto use it in all manner of situations. Hulk is so unforgiving and just having that option of choosing the resource type either because you had it sitting on the table or because its in your hand proves really useful. Having tested all of the aspects with him (and eventually setting on Protection) im finding that he is unlike every Hero printed so far and cards you wouldnt normally find in most decks you can sometimes play with him.

Aug 25, 2020 EvilDuckLord · 1

How does this fare in multiplayer?

Aug 26, 2020 martinsmudge · 61

Its actually much better than Solo. Threat becomes less of a worry and you get chance at certain times to switch back and recover more than you would in Solo. I made one small change and switched a Resourceful for Night Nurse and that took care of getting stunned which even tho you have ways round it just slowed you down a little too much. If you team with Dr Strange swap that back. The Night Nurse is almost irrelevant. with him as he can simply turn thats stunned into a tough for you.