Do you know...goblin...lightning...etc. SCL S14 R2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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just_tom · 29

Deck I used for Solo Champions league Season 14, Round 2 against Risky Business.

My three rounds went, 4 turns, 5 turns, 7 turns, all clean. Encounter deck went pretty much perfectly, the biggest threats were seeing some of the Wrecking Crew, but Lightning Bolt took care of them every time.

My first two rounds I got Uncanny X-Men on the board turn 1, which was the MVP other than Lightning Bolt which was just too good in this match up.

My entire focus was getting allies out with Danger Room Training + Thunderstorm, then knocking out both stages of Goblin in one or two turns. I held Lightning Bolt in hand if needed if I wasn't going to bring out Goblin and attack, rather than using it as a resource.

Once Goblin was out, if I wasn't able to finish him, I would go down to alter ego and risk him switching back, I never chump blocked bc the damage was more important, plus it was basically a confuse and I could take advantage of Danger Room.

Changes I would have made would be to drop some combination of To Me My Xmen, Endurance, maybe Beast (ended up being slow). Then adding some form of SIN, Honorary Xmen, Game Time, probably a second copy of Uncanny so I was sure to see it. Didn't up using "To Me..." in favor of better options.

Again, got super lucky with the encounter deck, plus saw Uncanny Xmen turn 1, and then Lightning Bolt destroyed all.