Scarlet Witch - SCL S14 R1

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Scarlet Witch SCL S14R1 0 0 0 1.0

zeroceid · 38

The deck I got 3 victories against Loki in standard with Band of Badoon, Whispers of Paranoia and Infinity Gauntlet for SCL S14 R1.

The general strategy is prioritise an ally and either target acquired or shield spell in the first turn. Build up allies and benefit from economy with card-drawing allies and Chaos Magic. Sorcerer Supreme and Night Nurse are also prioritises.

Avoid the encounter deck burning cards of Hex Bolt and Molecular Decay until about turn 8-9, when the encounter deck is running out. These cards only hurt you earlier on. Use the thwart and damage from your own allies and hero to deal with schemes and minions. Don't even try to touch Loki until later in the game.

Use the side schemes to your advantage to change stalwart Lokis. Then use Mockingbird and Prof X to stun and confuse. Again, avoid Hex Bolt!

If you survive to round 5, you should have a few allies, supports and upgrade in play and generally can manage the game, only damaging Loki if there's nothing else to sort out.