Wolverine Runs Berserk

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Maarkean · 20

This deck leans into Wolverine throwing around damage but remaining healthy by way of Moment of Triumph and Follow Through. Whenever he can kill a minion, he can use those to heal. This is especially handy if he used his claws to pay for the card that did the killing. If draw multiple Moment of Triumphs, you can get a chain going with Berserker Barrage, killing and healing repeatedly. Clobber works especially well for Wolverine as another attack, as if you play it first using his claws, you get it back to use to pay for other cards in your deck. 

Warrior Skill help you up the damage of your attacks as needed to get a kill. You'll be playing lots of attack events so Fluid Motion will buff Wolverine's attack up. You can gain extra uses out of that buff if he kills a minion and readies with Battle Fury.