War Machine needs thwart help

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Arczi · 1

Hello everyone. This is my testing deck to try War Machine with Justice. By trying to analyze my failed games with this hero I noticed that the biggest problem I had with War Machine Protection deck that sometimes I struggle with thwarting. So this is response to my problems. Don't know yet how will it go, since I didn't have chance to test it.


Oct 27, 2022 mv2392 · 102

I played a shield justice deck with him on solo play and it was awesome. I'd highly consider putting in Agent 13 to ready munitions bunker more. He can get some pretty great OTK damage this way. I had several 30 damage + rounds to close out games, which on solo is plenty if you've picked the villain down already.

Personally I also use 1 field agent to keep her alive, but that's probably unnecessary. Have fun.

Nov 05, 2022 Arczi · 1

@mv2392 thanks, I've heard a lot about some shield hero decks. I still don't have Agent 13, but Sinister Motives is my next expansion to buy this month, so I'll definitely try her out. Thanks, and have fun.