Cyclops- Ally toolbox

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Nocturnal duck · 96

Still working on this build (Need to collect all x-men hero packs)

The main focus of this deck is to have the ally enter trigger multiple times using "rapid resopnse" and "make the call" each has quite the double trigger when you pull it off-

Phenox- get back a Cyclops card Beast- get back double resource from gy Colossus- he gains tough Blindfold- look top 5 encounter deck Professor-x choice of his 3 options

Getting a 2nd trigger when they die is a real boost especially during the villians attack You block and get a trigger and still keep the ally This Really changes how the villians turn feels

Using "get ready" to use ally twice and sometimes 3 times if they die and return again (with rapid response attached) is a massive tempo swing .

Wolverine is here untill I collect more suited x-men allies but still does alot if work and is a good example of the combo, with his high attack and not worried about tough characters is a stand out aggression addition, what I found was using- "get ready" & "rapid response" together on him was 9 damage just from wolverine in 1 attack phase (As his double consequent damage means he will attack then "get ready" attack again, then he returns from "rapid response" (with 1 Dmg) and attack again) Plus he still surives ready for a block or another attack

Coordinated attack is to add more tactics to dig up with Cyclops and helps keep allies in play longer But also helps Cyclops deal with minions more consistently.

"Moxie" is the main alter ego support which helps you keep up the tempo even when you need to flip down. Cyclops loves alter ego as his deck becomes a toolbox of options for the right occasion so "moxie" helps him come back to hero form with stride. This is what gave me the idea for making his graveyard become another toolbox for allies where you can pluck them out when needed and keep them in play

I feel there could be more allies but missing hero packs atm so will update once I tinker with new cards And I found when you get 1 ally in play and can get the combo going with them it's enough of a boost that you only need to focus on 1 at a time anyway

If you get Phenox looping in and out of play she will keep Cyclops cards in your hand, but What if: You get Beast? then you will be able to afford other allies and big tactic plays using the constant resource fetching.

Side note- I'm quite new to marvel champions so if there is any suggestions or advice I'm very much excited to learn and chat with other cardboard connoisseur's. Thanks



Oct 17, 2022 Stenner · 1

Hi hi, also a new player here, maybe drop the power of leadership, that's usually when you have a lot of blue allies or more blue cards, it's worth two for blue only and most of your blues cost less than 2.

Oct 17, 2022 RainKing42 · 2

Danger Room isn't doing anything for you here because there are no training upgrades. Maybe cut it or try to get Danger Room Training in somehow.

Also, I don't know if The Power of Leadership is worth it. You just have 1 ally and the three Rapid Response that will get the bonus resource. Personally, I would cut the 2 Powers and add a second Effective Leadership.

Oct 18, 2022 Nocturnal duck · 96

Awesome thanks for the feed back I'll have a tinker and make some edits