"Draw & Slam!" (4.0) - She-Hulk / Leadership

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
"Draw & Slam!" (3.0) - She-Hulk / Leadership - March '21 845 672 42 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Schnautza · 52

This deck is entirely based off of "She-Hulk / Leadership - March '21" by @Brian-V, but I've swapped out his recommended updates that he listed in his notes.

It was tricky for me to go back and forth between the Add/Subtract list in the notes and the main card list, so I made this for quicker reference since this deck is going to be in regular rotation for me.

I also added another copy of Avengers Assemble! because I was having several turns where I wished I could ready the 6 allies a little more often. It turned out to be quite useful. If you only want 40 cards, go ahead and drop that extra copy.