SP//dr Suit Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LeahLorenna · 310


About me:

I started playing almost a year ago and this is my first deck that I published. I don't play a lot of solo games as I mainly play duos when I play by myself. But usually I play with full party of 4 players :) I still try to build my decks so they can stand on their own without having to rely on other players, but that might mean that they are not 100% optimised for solo play :( which the community seems to focus on. But I still thought I would start and sharing this deck and see how it goes!

I really enjoy playing SP//dr. She quickly became one of my favorite heroes! While I do play a lot of different heroes, I'd still like to say that Iron-Man is my favorite! Thats probably the main reason why I dont enjoy solo play as much ~.~ Hehe.

About the deck:

While I prefer playing Peni with the Leadership Aspect, I think she works really good with Aggression as well! Since she is a web warrior, she obviously has great synergy with the other web warrior cards from the Sinister Motives expansion. And the good thing: the best ones are all basic cards! That means we can use them with every aspect, Poggies!

Basic Cards:

  • The Symbiote Suit was my first choice after I saw her low handlimit. She doesnt really need it, but it helps SO much (which is why I also added 3 copies of Assess the Situation). And it also give +1 to all our basic powers and +10 HP whoohoo. But it does come at a cost of +1 extra encounter card. Be mindful though if this card is on your starting hand. It can turn on you very quickly in the beginning where you still have to build your suit.

  • Across the Spider-Verse is another amazing card that lets you ignore the requirements for Peter (not that we would have a lot of problem paying these though with all our interfaces!) and also - here comes the best part - lets you put allies (only web warriors though) into play from your discard pile! So if you're lucky you can play Peter twice (or more if you get through your deck quickly enough :) )

  • Limitless Stamina was also an easy choice here, since we like to get ready as often as possible. With our +1 from the suit and +1 additional ATK from Combat Training we are gonna hit hard even without our interfaces.


  • I think everyone agrees with me saying that Peter Parker is probably the best ally to have with Peni. He is so strong with 2 / 2 Basics and can ready your hero and that for a cost of 3! I mean c'mon.

  • Otto can also ready one of our interfaces after he enters the play. So if you have Host Spider in play already, he can practically ready our hero as well! Or you can choose a different interface with the Tech keyword and draw a card! Which is also amazing. But I usually go for the Host Spider if I can :)

  • Gwen lets us search our deck for a hero specific event after she leaves the play. That means we can get All System Go! for example to either use it to get a missing interface on our hand or ready every interface to get more recources or do some serious damage :) Or thwart if needed! Or you can get one of the other two hero specific events that lets us deal 5 damage and stun an enemy or thwart for 2x3! Web-Trap and Rapid Deployment respectively. The only "sad" thing is, that we can only search our deck and not our discard pile as well! But thats a bit too much to ask ^^

  • I also added Nick Fury to get additonal card draw if needed and also because I really like him especially if you can afford it to play him.

I think the basic cards that I added are pretty common from what I saw in other decks. Obviously with so many Basic Cards we are going for The Power in All of Us!

Aggression Cards:

  • For the aspect cards I also went immediately for Jarnbjorn. With her interfaces (Pilot and Speed-Metal Alloy) she can make sure to trigger it at least twice per round. If you have other means to ready your hero again you also can go for 3 times if you wanna use Host Spider instead. And obviously with All Systems Go on your hand you can go for even more! So I think you can get a lot of value out here. Might be a bit of on over kill though for solo play!

  • As mentioned before I also went with Combat Training to even further enhance our basic attack.

  • Then I added 3 copies of Skilled Strike because its super cheap and for 0 costs it doesnt require an interface to play and still gives us + 2 ATK.

  • Which leads to my last card Moment of Triumph. With all the + ATK bonuses available we can heal a lot of damage here. Since we already have a high HP pool and with the 10 added HP from the suit we can make a lot of use out of this card without having to worry about overhealing in most cases.

Adjustments & final thoughts:

Things that I feel are debateable and can be switched out according to your own preferences are:

  1. Nick Fury
  2. Web of Life and Destiny
  3. Assess the Situation
  4. Skilled Strike

What you could choose is Avengers Mansion or Scarlet Spider as card draw options. I found that Helicarrier isnt really worth as much. Web of Life and Destiny can be amazing, but to be honest more often than not the card seems to be always at the lower end of my deck! So it can be a bit annoying. But since you can play it for free it usually ends up as another Assess the Situation. Since mostly I only get to draw 1-2 cards. Which is still good! Because getting through her deck quickly is what we want. May and Ben also can help you out with that! I am a bit shy using them too early, though. As I am afraid I might discard one of my other non hero-specific cards that I wanna play. Like Across the Spider-Verse, Symbiote Suit, or one of my Allies.

You can also add addional Aspect Cards like maybe Mean Swing to exhause Jarnbjorn and get +3 ATK. If you want to you could also replace Skilled Strike with Mean Swing (which I personally would not prefer). Relentless Assault might also be apealing to you in combination with all the other + ATK bonuses. So you can kill that guard and still be hitting the villian with the overkill. I don't think I would recommend going for Into the Fray though, since her allies usually thwart enough. I rarely have to use Psychic Link as it is even in multiplayer.

So thats it! I hope that at least someone will see this deck and enjoys playing it ^-^


Edit: OMG... i did all the hyperlinks in HTML code and published afterwards just to see that there is a simple solution to link cards.... so much efford wasted ~.~


Aug 23, 2022 dr00 · 43725

hey, great write-up for your first published deck! your passion and excitement is so refreshing; i really love SP//dr too. she has so many fun builds, even different builds within each aspect, but i agree that Leadership is probably the strongest for her, especially for the strong VEN#m recursion.

and LOL at the edit, but now you know for next time! :D

Aug 23, 2022 LeahLorenna · 310

omg, i never thought that you would look at my deck. Thank you so much for your kind words, Mr. dr00!

I agree. She is very versatile even within each aspect :) VEN#m is too powerful to be kept alive! She should be nerfed xD (I am actually glad that they can't!)

Yeah, next time I'll know for sure ^^

Aug 24, 2022 Schmendrix · 5437

Love this deck! Big Peni fan and this is a sweet take on it. Keep on publishing!

Aug 24, 2022 Brian-V · 45214

Liked/favorited. Would have never guessed this is your first deck. Looks really good, I'll have to get this one to the table soon. Great write-up as well. Looking forward to your next one. Thanks for sharing @LeahLorenna!

Aug 24, 2022 LeahLorenna · 310

Thank you so much for the love, guys. Makes me really happy to see that you like my deck. I am gonna go through my deck list and see what else is worth publishing :) Really?? You're gonna play it? Aww, may I ask for your opinion afterwards? @Brian-V

Aug 26, 2022 dr00 · 43725

don't sell yourself short, @LeahLorenna. it's a great deck with a thoughtful writeup :D

Aug 28, 2022 JA792010 · 1

Having lots of fun with this! Great deck `@LeahLorenna

Aug 29, 2022 LeahLorenna · 310

Thank you, I really appreciate it! @dr00

@JA792010 I am glad to hear that you like the deck! Thank you for playing :)

Sep 07, 2022 Brian-V · 45214

@LeahLorenna For sure! Feel free to contact me on Discord.