SP//dr for Ally Survivability

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

YourWifeRuby · 1

After playing a few games as SP//dr with both the pre-con and my own put together protection suite, I identified four major issues I had with protection SP//dr

  1. I found myself not wanting to play anything other than SP//dr's specific cards, and that's when it was a choice. Not building SP//dr's kit early is not an option. There's just not a lot of synergy in Protection with SP//dr, at least not much I was willing to invest and play with.
  2. While I could defend, it would effectively cost me 2 resources from Speed Metal Alloy and having to tap Host Spider, cutting me off from a large part of my resource stream, and all that for just one block of 4 points. Against Expert villains, that barely blocks a full attack. And I certainly couldn't block for others.
  3. After getting the full set of 4 interface cards, VEN#m becomes easy to play and very powerful, but you only get a few knocks out of Addy and then she's gone until the next cycle. Cycling in general is an issue with only drawing so many cards so a lot of your deck takes many turns to access, but its only worse when the best ally you have is stuck 30 some cards and up to 10 turns away.

So, all these issues I figured could be addressed with a color change. Get more allies for ally blocks that do better synergy from Leadership, and add some cards to help VEN#m's survivability.

Addressing Addy first, two cards make this happen. Make the Call and Reinforced Suit. Suit makes Addy stick around two extra turns, and with a full Interface kit, Addy is easy to buy and able to pump out a grand total of 25 damage or thwart across 5 attacks/thwarts. But sticking around longer isn't enough. Make the Call makes it so she can come back so long as she's in the discard pile. In an ideal scenario, you can have her do two 5 damage attacks in one turn with a quick Make the Call refresh. Most my games with this deck sees me put Addy on the field once, and while she may "leave", she's always on the field and always able to pop out 5 damage/thwart a turn. Just wonderful.

This already makes SP//dr work better in my book and I could close it right here. But then I played around with other cards and synergies. First up is the typical Web Warrior kit. Web Warrior Peter, Superior Spider-Man, Ghost Spider, and Web of Life and Destiny. Web is obvious in any Web Warrior deck. At worst it costs you a resource when you play it versus using it as a resources elsewhere, but if you have any Web Warrior allies its essential. Ghost helps you get All Systems Go to either build your Interfaces or renew your interfaces. Peter is all around good and with Interfaces, he's easily afforded. And Superior is essential in the deck because he pays for himself and can trigger Web the same turn he's played. All three can be good blockers, but have use outside just blocking hits.

The other allies we have here are our prime blockers. Kaluu helps find an event (Ideally All Systems Go, but there's not many Events here that aren't worth grabbing). Maria can give you and your team an extra card, a good thwart, and a block, she's a highly useful card for her budget. Nick is easy to purchase thanks to Interfaces and can help cycle a deck, do some Thwart/Damage, and then block. All three really help cycle your deck more than anything. White Tiger would be a solid choice to add to this deck too for some cycle, but we don't need her when Maria is around.

Now we have just a few cards left here. Limitless Stamina is the first card to boot if you wanna mix stuff up. It's useful, and especially with SP//dr already having the health for it, why not include it, but Host Spider already does a lot of this heavy lifting. That being said, its helped me out of a jam or two in my plays with this deck, so don't discount it entirely. Meditation helps bring out cards quicker in early game, and can even help put out Allies late game. At worst, it becomes a resource card in late game, and that's okay. Assess the Situation helps cycle and does its job. All three of these cards take up 9 slots in the deck and are prime targets for removal if you wanna get fancy. I keep them because I like having cards in my deck that don't distract from my main goal. IE, easy resource cards. I have no problem using any of these 3 cards just for resources. And while its easy to buy Addy or Nick, its nice to afford something else in a turn too.