Nova's Stretchy Friend

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Cadencepika1 · 7

The whole idea for this deck is to abuse the Ms. Marvel signature ally. Re readying her w/ Command Teams, or respawning her w/ Rapid Response/Make the Call, gives a ton of value to your Nova events. Just 1 Pot Shot/Lightspeed Flight in your hand can be 8-20+ damage or 6-15+ thwart per turn once you're set up.

First pass through of this deck is all about getting Ms. Marvel out and starting the combo we rely on. Make sure you get a Rapid Response out and keep it out at all times. If Ms. Marvel dies w/o a Rapid Response that's a big tempo hit waiting for a Make the Call to bring her back. Champions Mobile Bunker is crucial on the first pass, helping to cycle for the key setup cards, and then to look for events/wild resources later. Of course we want all our Command Teams out to ready Ms. Marvel as often as possible.

Symbiote Suit is here for the second deck pass, or really when you decide you need it. It serves its purpose as a wild resource in the meantime, but I find you'll really want the +10 HP and especially the +1 hand size.

Once you're set up, the ideal scenario is 1 Lightspeed Flight/Pot Shot and a hand full of wild resources. Since you don't want to end up without either event in your hand, this deck has a ton of card draw. Kaluu can be brought out often w Make the Call to help dig for our Nova events, Nick Fury and Moon Girl both give card draw, Mansion for drawing, etc. Everything in this deck exists to find Ms. Marvel, ready Ms. Marvel, or find Nova events.

I initially had a couple copies of the Get Ready event, but opted to slim the deck down to 40 since finding Lightspeed Flight/Pot Shot is so important. Another strategy is to just recur either of those events w Ms. Marvel like normal, but on the final time keep it in your hand rather than playing it. Sure you're getting through your deck slower this way, but you guarantee big thwart/damage just by having one of those in your hand.

Of course flooding a Nova deck with wild resources is crucial, and the "power of" cards are great for Nova. The Power in All of Us helps get our expensive basics on the table + make Moon Girl's blues much easier to hit, and The Power of Leaderships help get out Rapid Response/Kaluu/Command Team when you're not using them on Nova events. (No blue card in this deck costs more than 2 so Power of Leadership will ALWAYS pay for your blues)

This deck is definitely still a WIP so let me know if anyone has suggestions to improve it!