Ms. Marvel Never Go Home

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BeatDGameMC · 2433

one of my favourite decks to play. never go home is all about recycling wiggle rooms and standing up. having 7-8 cards in hand after the villains turn all while preventing all the damaging inflicting a bunch of damage and removing threat from the main.

here’s a link to see it played

Aspect Strategy Protection :Perfect defense gameplay Cap, Wasp and Ms Marvel


Jul 05, 2022 adsarf · 441

Thanks for this. I enjoyed watching your video and you inspired me to write up and publish the similar deck I was working on (

I think the main difference in design is that my deck uses Pinpoint to get Wiggle Room out of the discard rather than Jocasta, but we play the decks very differently as I always want to get Ms Marvel into alter ego.

Jul 06, 2022 celric · 441

@adsarf sadly, Pinpoint only shuffles cards into the deck from play. So it doesn't work for events since they never enter play.

Jul 06, 2022 adsarf · 441

Thanks @celric. People pointed that out to me after I published the deck.

Most of my 'good ideas' in this game turn out to be from not reading the rules carefully enough

Jul 08, 2022 wehehe · 198

In your video you are playing a different version. As far as I've seen, you have Brother Voodoo, Energy Barrier, Deft Focus and Momentum Shift which are not in this list.

I guess this list is more recent, and the only card I see here and I did not see on the video is What Doesn't Kill Me. Do you really think they are better than the cards they replaced? I've played few rounds to test it, and normally they didn't were worth to play it, while Brother Voodoo or Energy Barrier would have been great to had in hand in that moment.

Jul 08, 2022 BeatDGameMC · 2433

In a game like marvel champions. You need to adapt with all the different Modular’s and villains. There is no such thing as a perfect deck.
The what dosent kill me are great to stand up and recycle my big hands for more damage. That’s why I prefer them to the barriers. But feel free to adapt the deck to your liking.