Invincible Ironheart

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Maarkean · 26

This isn't your typical defender deck. Ironheart does not have any defense events, relying instead on her native 3 defense, boosted to 4 with Armored Vest. She furthers her damage reduction with Height Advantage (once she reaches V2), with Dauntless and Electrostatic Armor to dish a little damage back. With Indomitable and Ever Vigilante, she can ready herself after defending. As she likes to flip down to AE often, she can afford to take a few hits because she has ample opportunities to recover with Med Team, Crew Quarters and her mom. She can also use Med Team to keep Brawn in play for the resource. Her other Allies can also remain in play permanently. Pinpoint helps her cycle her best hero cards back into her deck and Warlock provides a little bonus attack/thwart with his ability to self-heal.