Ironheart Dive Bombs

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Maarkean · 26

The primary goal of Ironheart is to build up her suit to level 3. Mental resources help with that and they also play into Honed Technique.  Honed Technique increases a cards attack by its cost. By leaning into her aerial trait, she can go for mega attacks using Dive Bomb. Since it costs 4, which is normally too much to want to play, when its enhanced by Honed Technique it turns 7 damage into 11 and then 1 damage to every other enemy into 5 damage! That clears the board in most cases. With Ingenuity, Brawn, Martial Prowess, and Team-Building she'll be able to afford that 4 cost without spending any other cards. Meanwhile, Melee could be turned into 6 and 6. That will fill up your Hall of Heroes real fast. Ms. Marvel could use the same trick plus her cards to make Melee 8 and 8 but she isn't aerial. Nova, Thor, Warmachine or Ironman could do it but they aren't necessarily geared towards it as well.