Spectrum - Solo Champions League s11r2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jarratt · 28

Solo Champions League Round 2 was against Tower Defence with Black Order, Standard (1 or 2) and Save the Shawarma Place (in play). I played against Standard 2

Because there are always 2 schemes out and they don't generate threat too fast Multitasking was a pretty good utility card. Ideally I could stay in Gamma form more and keep the threat down on everything with an easy way to trigger more damage from Turn the Tide.

With a side scheme in place right from the start Followed and Chance Encounter gave more damage or the ability to fetch a key ally like Blade. Blade was in for Earth's Mightiest Heroes because Spectrum has good stats.

Flipping to Alter Ego to let Corvus Glaive scheme out his scheme was also valuable for avoiding damage and removing threat )at the cost of an extra encounter card)