Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ryusora · 7

This deck is mostly about beating the senses out of the villain quickly. Adding some great agression allies

Hulk is there mostly to take hits but maybe you can throw a punch or two with him because of the resource destribution here where we have tons of red and . Angela is a great ally, maybe can be swapped out for scenarios with big minions. Marvel boy is there mostly for the piercing. Throg also to tank. Spider-Girl can let you ignore a big minion for a while.

Get your weapons and other upgrades out and start smacking the villain for 10+ every turn until they give up living. Threat? Actually Multi-Gun and and Venom's Pistol can handle that quite well. But you are suposed to be shooting the villain, not schemes!!!